August 28, 2011


FINAL DESTINATION 5 in 3D  Starring Tony Todd, Emma Bell, Nicholas D'Agosto

A young man named Sam (Nicholas D'Agosto) has a premonition that he and his co-workers will die in  a suspension collapsing bridge on their way to a trip - in the premonition Sam sees the most disturbed, horrific deaths ready to happen.  Sam wakes up from his premonition and alerts the bus driver about the collapsing bridge ahead.  Before you know it, Sam and eight of his co-workers escape the invisible death.
The film turns into a slice, dice, splatter, chop, ooze, grisly, blood and gore fiasco of fun and death.  And the gimmick here is 3D where you get to enjoy all the grisly deaths right in your face.  Sam and his co-workers start to run away from death in the most satirical way.  Tony Todd makes a special appearance delivering his deathly one liners.  The film goes more in-depth into each of the characters unlike the last three Final Destination films in which you don't care about the characters, you are just dying to see how they going to die - but in this installment we are more installed into the characters lives.  Final Destination 5 most classic sequence is the collapsing suspension bridge - a must see.

By the end of the film we really don't care who survives or not, we are just having a good ole time watching a blood and gore ride in 3D.  We all know there is going to be a part 6 around the corner.  The Final Destination franchise is twenty times better than the SAW and PARANORMAL ACTIVITY franchise.

THREE STARS - A Hellish Joy Ride of blood and gore...

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