Can you tell me about yourself and your photography works?

How you got into photography?
When I was 9 I saw this back leather, dusty bag in my mother's closet. When she wasn't home I opened it to see what was in there. I lifted out her Honeywell Pentax, and started to play with it. I think I liked the clicking sound of the shutter and the grinding sound of the manual film advance lever. I asked my mother what it does and how to use it. After she showed me that was that.
I just found out you went to School of Visual Arts through your myspace page, explain your experience at School of Visual Arts?
I had an in depth training on how to use lighting, and camera settings (without guessing). Technically, the school did wonders, creatively... you either had it or you didn't.
Who is your biggest inspirations for your horror and the macabre photography imagery?
Floria Sigismondi, Joel Peter Witkin, David Lynch, and Andres Serrano.
Your images are ferociously fierce and beautifully shot, especially "DOLLS", "POSSESSION" and "A HEART STORY", I love them all, what was your experience in making them and your inspiration for it?
For the series "Dolls" I adressed my fear of abandonment and lack of playtime as a child. I photographed dolls that represented my emotional trauma of being adopted, and having a mother that was diagnosed with an auto immune disease.
"Possession" is about life structure. People are brought up to believe in a God, fear evil, fear of sining, stay inside the lines and for What, to be chosen for stigmata? Its not so bad to have experiences that lead to growth. No, I'm not against Christianity or any other faith. I love religion, but I love life more.
"A Heart Story" is a play on words. The phrase... "broken heart" seemed kinda funny because a heart can't actually break on its own. It's the creative mind that uses metaphors to describe the messes we get ourselves into. Give me a situation and a list of words that describe an emotion and that will be a platform for me to work off of.
EYEPUS wants to know what are your favorite horror films?
Halloween (Rob Zombie), Stigmata, Hellraiser, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Nosferatu, The Cell (just the visuals) Event Horizon and currently Martyrs.
And who are your favorite horror filmmakers?Takashi Miike, Clive Barker, Quentin Tarantino, Gore Verbinski, James Wan, Christophe Gans.
Which cameras do you use to do your photography?Nikkon D90 and Hasselblad.
How does the public react to your works?They hide they're children's eyes and ask, is that real blood? Gasps of "oh my god..." or "wow, that's deep."
Had you ever had to censored your works for any particular gallery shows, or anyone?
Of course, as an art teacher, I like to show my work and have my students show their's. Nudes, religious jabs, or reenacments of horrific situations can be quiet scary to a child, as well as some adults. I'm not out to have debates over my ethical stand point, religious beliefs or anything else... I just want people to look, think, like, and if possible, buy.
Any great advice for aspiring photographers?
Don't change your style or give yourself the overdosing guilt trip (us artists do when we think we've failed) cause you didn't make it into a "posh" Chelsea Gallery that shows artist's who make work like rows. of suburban houses. F*** them. Try other ways to get work known.
Are you working in any new works, any gallery shows in the future?
Hmm that gallery talk again.... my wallet says no, my head says... yeah as long as I can through some blood on the walls. I'm always working on something new and disturbing.
Click here on ELISABETH FARAONE to see the rest of her works. Or visit her webpage
loves it! dark twisted and just beautiful!